Wednesday, June 29, 2011

CodeIgniter from Scratch, Day 9 : File Uploading and Image Manipulation

Author: Burak Guzel

In lesson nine of our CodeIgniter series, we’ll build a small image gallery that allows you to upload files, and automatically create thumbnails.

Day 9 : File Uploading and Image Manipulation

Monday, June 27, 2011

CodeIgniter from Scratch: Day 8 – AJAX

Author: Burak Guzel

The CodeIgniter from Scratch series was unexpectedly, and significantly popular. Today, I’m pleased to announce that, with the help of one of my best authors, Burak, we’ll be continuing the series! Additionally, the most often requested topic is the subject for today’s screencast: combining CodeIgniter and jQuery.
Remember, it is not required that you watch the previous lessons in order to understand today’s screencast. It’s a self-contained article. However, if you’re new to CodeIgniter, we do recommend that you start from the beginning!

Day 8: AJAX

CodeIgniter from Scratch Day 7: Pagination

Author: Jeffrey Way

In these last two weeks, I’ve received bunches of requests for a CodeIgniter pagination screencast; so that’s what we’ll be reviewing today! As a bonus, we’ll also take a look at the super convenient HTML Table class.

Day 7: Pagination

Sunday, June 26, 2011

CodeIgniter From Scratch: Day 6 – Login

Author: Jeffrey Way

In today’s hour long video tutorial, we’ll be doing a lot! We’ll implement a login and signup form that will allow us to lock down certain sections of our fictional site. As you’ll find, working with sessions in CodeIgniter is a cinch!

Day 6

Watch the video here!

P.S. The Logout Button
I forgot to add the “logout” button during the screencast. There was so much to cover, that I was bound to forget something! Luckily, it’s really easy. Simply add a link, to the “members” area, which links to the login class, and a “logout” method (login/logout). Then, all we must do is destroy the user’s session, and redirect them back to the login form. Download the source code if confused.

function logout()

Hope you Enjoy it!
Keep in mind that we’re just scratching the surface, in terms of flexibility and security. We can – and very well may – take things much further. But this should get you started!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

CodeIgniter From Scratch: Day 5 – CRUD

Author: Jeffrey Way

The most requested tutorial for day five of our CodeIgniter screencast series was for an introduction to CRUD operations. We’ll review how to easily create, read, update, and delete records using CI’s active-records class.

Day 5: CRUD Operations

Friday, June 24, 2011

CodeIgniter From Scratch: Day 4 – Newsletter Signup

Author: Jeffrey Way

Continuing on from Day 3, we’ll expand our little application into a simple newsletter signup form. This will allow us to taker a closer look at both the email and the form_validation classes. Learn it all in this 30 minute screencast.

Day 4

CodeIgniter From Scratch: Day 3. Sending Emails

Author: Jeffrey Way

At the request of some of our readers, this week, we’ll examine just how easy it is to send emails with attachments using Gmail. With raw PHP, this would be a long and tedious task. However, with CodeIgniter, it’s a cinch! I’ll show you how in this eighteen minute video tutorial.

Day 3

Thursday, June 23, 2011

CodeIgniter From Scratch: Day 2

Author : Jeffrey Way

Continuing on from day 1, today, I’ll teach you five different ways to write select statements for your database. If you haven’t watched the first entry in this video series, don’t worry; each video can function on its own as a single tutorial. Having said that, I highly recommend that you watch each screencast.


CodeIgniter From Scratch: Day 1

Author: Jeffrey Way


After numerous requests, today we are launching a new screencast series on Nettuts+ that will focus exclusively on the CodeIgniter PHP framework. Over the course of about 10 videos, I’ll teach you exactly how to use this framework. Ultimately, we’ll work our way up to building a custom CMS. Without further ado, here’s day one!

Day 1